Reserve your stay


1 - 2 guests
3 guests
4 guests
5 guests
6 guests

Cleaning Fee
Security deposit

€ 65,- per night
€ 90,- per night
€ 115,- per night
€ 140,- per night
€ 165,- per night

€ 75,-
€ 250,-

1 - 2 guests
3 guests
4 guests
5 guests
6 guests

Cleaning Fee
Security deposit

€65,- per nacht
€90,- per nacht
€115,- per nacht
€140,- per nacht
€165,- per nacht


Please contact us if your party changes because the amount of bedrooms available to you will depend on the amount of guests.

The rental price is excluding water and electricity.
Water consumption will be deducted from the security deposit. 
The water meter will be read in your presence at the beginning and the end of your stay.

You can pay for electricity by using a prepaid system called
so you have control over your energy consumption. The prepaid cards can be purchased in almost every convenience store and supermarket.  


Visit the contact page to book a reservation. contact pagina.

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